Baltimore – Rotterdam

Stichting Lawine en de Baltimore Rotterdam Zuster Steden Comité (BRSCC) werken samen sinds 2011. Het begon met Harbor Traces, een culturele verkenning. Sindsdien heeft Stichting Lawine regelmatig Baltimore bezocht voor internationale cultureel en maatschappelijk educatieve uitwisseling projecten.

Arts for Learning Maryland: Operation Trash teaches the importance of good trash management and the problems that arise when we ‘trash’ our communities and pollute our planet. Participants will be asked to look critically at their own trash behavior as well as analyze trash hot-spots in densely populated areas.


Kathie diStefano op uitnodiging van de Baltimore Rotterdam Sister City Committee en Burgemeester Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

The Baltimore Rotterdam Sister City Committee hosted Kathie diStefano as “artist in residence” in December of 2013. Kathie, educational director Avalanche Arts, visited Curtis Bay Elementary/Middle School and Ben Franklin High with workshops and performances about environmental issues.

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